Groups are run a few times per year.
Register today for the Gone Fishing Group Below
Now accepting registrations
Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown
As human beings, we have a fundamental need for connection, love, and belonging. Yet, we fear rejection and are afraid we’re not good enough. We try to hide our vulnerabilities, only to create a greater disconnect with our families, communities, and work. Based on 12 years of research, Dr. Brené Brown explains the concept of vulnerability, and how embracing it can change how we live, love, lead and interact with others, to bring wholehearted living and fulfilling connections.
Rising Strong, by Brené Brown
Rising Strong describes a 3-phase process of bouncing back from failure, which you can implement both in your own life and as a team or company, in order to embrace setbacks as part of life, deal with your emotions, confront your own ideas and rise stronger every time.
The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown
The book explores the theory and practices behind “Wholehearted living”: a concept Brown devised after years of research into shame, vulnerability, and self-worth. According to Brown, living Wholeheartedly will help you to cultivate worthiness: the conviction that you are good enough as you are and that you deserve to be loved.
In this guide, we’ll explore how Brown conceives worthiness and shame and how her approach to these topics compares to her contemporaries' work. Furthermore, we’ll discuss Brown’s 10 strategies for living Wholeheartedly.
Blind Spots - 3 Hour Seminar
Dates: March 9, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Cost: $65 for the 3 hour Seminar
Relationship and Dating Informational Seminar
Never before do we have less help picking our partners and higher pressure from pop culture/social media on what love is and what constitutes a good relationship.
This informational seminar focuses on the red flags or "Blind Spots" of potential problematic partners. Discussion will take place regarding the traits of high-conflict personalities and how they can be presented initially and in the long term. This seminar links how becoming more aware of the language of emotions can help you navigate the dating world. We can often mislabel feelings of love early on. We will discuss partners' characteristics that may be harmful and look at what personal patterns we could be bringing to our relationships.
In this Seminar, we will work on attachment and healthy relationship patterns
**Please note, this seminar IS NOT to give dating advice, therapy or information on where to meet people
(Based on the book Dating Radar by Bill Eddy)
Gone Fishing - Kids Group -
What does the group help with?
Executive Functioning/ Emotional Regulation in social situations
Who is the group for?
Dates: June 29, 2024 / July 22, 2024 / August 19, 2024 (other dates may be added due to registrations)
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: $220/group (Most insurance companies can be direct billed)
Ages: Usually children 7 - 14, however upon registrations we try to pair children with others in their age range to add to the team aspect of the fun.
Fishing Rod and Tackle will be provided
The group is for children with ADHD tendencies, poor planning and emotional regulation abilities. Children who need to build their confidence in social situations. Children must possess some skills to self-regulate or be able to co-regulate as a criterion for entrance to this group. If one-on-one help is needed, unfortunately, this group is not recommended.
Prior participation in individual therapy is highly recommended
Recommendations & Summary provided at the end of group
**All fish will be released unless parent consent is given for keeping for eating purposes
Amanda and Brené Brown
Our Team with Jody Carrington